
I dislike Katy Perry more than I probably should, seeing as she may as well be fictional for all the impact she has on my life.

I appreciated the clear delineation on this show between goths and fans of twilight. A similar distinction was made by south park (a show I don't particularly like) - one episode had the real goth kids burning down the Twilight-merch-selling Hot Topic.

@mordicai: yay for being in your 30s and still wearing all black. I cry foul on people saying you can be too old for goth. :(

@katieupsidedown: yeah, the reworking of the song to not include bitch killed it for me.

@18thfloor: that Margaritaville machine is ridiculous and not in a good way.

@#c23535124:also, it looks like they're grilling pasta salad in it, which just seems ew. (I know it probably isn't pasta salad)

@childe★herald: they did not mention his time at the Shakespeare festival during that "Before they were lost" special.

@MrsNorthman: I edited it because when I commented, I hadn't read that particular detail yet.

Has nobody else seen the billboards that Anti choice organizations buy that say basically the same thing this ad does? "Pregnant? We can help"

I guess it's good she waited 25 years.

want sloth babby!!!!

Did nobody like the Timecrowave? Nobody?

@cocobanal: yeah, it's *Hooters*. I've never expected much thoughtful fairness from a company that basically exists to exploit women and sell chicken wings.

What I don't get is how people are still curious about what the "plot" is. The stupid preview gives most things away - "trouble" in Carrie and Big's "paradise", then the gay wedding, then they go somewhere exotic and Carrie sees Aidan and either cheats on Big or doesn't. Wow, the suspense is killing nobody.

Blue Water hires really bad artists. Why do they do that?

@LLoroncita: I know all that about her. She may use it as a positive term but I don't think he did.

I don't like that he called Lady Gaga a freak. Otherwise, rock on.