It's also only $195, which is extremely reasonable for such a beautiful dress. If I had a reason, I'd buy one for myself. I'd get it with silver beading instead of copper, and wear a black slip under, but that's just me.
It's also only $195, which is extremely reasonable for such a beautiful dress. If I had a reason, I'd buy one for myself. I'd get it with silver beading instead of copper, and wear a black slip under, but that's just me.
That dress was not vintage, it was LeLuxe.
@bookling: I knew that they were Margene's kids, and that they most likely had names, but I didn't remember them. They also seem to still be babies after what seems like a long time.
Dead!Roman lecturing Alby for being gay? Very David Fisher.
@tankearae: how six feet under was that, though??
I don't like the new credits! Or the fact that Wayne, Raymond, and the other unnamed kids were watching that blackface movie.
@Sapphire: trimming is fine by me, assisted or otherwise. it's only the shaving that irks me.
I'm much more annoyed by the (relatively new) expectation that I shave my pubic hair than I am by shaving my legs.
does anyone know why Amanda Palmer changed clothes on the red carpet? I was confused.
@lavenderstain: twee, not tween. Twee is an adjective, like "that's so twee". Tweens are the young kids.
@gravebones: I have no opinion on the subject but somebody on ONTD was complaining about how he writes about transgender. I.e. Wanda in A game of you. They hate him.
ACK, I just watched part of Zoolander the other day. Derelicte strikes again!
Fran from black books looks EVIL in this photo.
I feel certain that the photographers are going to file any complaints about these photos under "silly American puritainism".
@TheUptightMidwesterner: unsurprising. biig eye roll.
How protested and boycotted would a magazine be if it did a cover story on women who are glad they chose abortion? Very. Women's magazines occasionally run stories like that but they're never cover stories and are usually just about one woman, with healthy sections on their remorse and sad times afterward.
bad extensions! bad!
my 2 years on depo were the worst of my life.
These cookies are bad. All of them. Good cause, bad cookies.
this is great, cute, adorable, and awesome. these kids seem cool. I wish my friends liked Lady Gaga as much as I do.