that's it, Quinn, you're off the cheerios.
that's it, Quinn, you're off the cheerios.
I was unaware that the term "jewess" was still in use. Gross.
@cnphair: a size 14 is obese according to my DOCTOR. And last time I checked, he's not Anna Wintour.
ugh, it won't work.
also, where would we be without
I think the woman at salon is being kind of snotty. I like emoticons, and I also like using ones that aren't as common, like this one: ^_^
@dearheart: no, no, it's OY with the poodles.
@ainsworth2: where are you from?
@Inkymonkey: I refer to all infants as babby because of that yahoo answers thing and the hilarious animation that goes with it.
I just don't get why they're singing about rejecting dresses when they're all wearing dresses.
@coreybear66: wrong on both counts. unfortunately.
@Ginmar Rienne: heh! that's awesome...confuse whoever's watching you. It's a good plan!
@BestEuphemismEver: hmm...googling that will have to wait til after my term paper is done.
@Lizard in the Wires - synthesizer signals suspense!: It's cuteness, squared. Most of the stuff I read was written around the third or fourth season, and sort of goes branching out from there.
I learned that whiskey and limeade with a splash of bitters is a somewhat legitimate, fully tasty drink, and if I have two, then I'm drunk.
@msmoneypenny: swimming is low impact! I shiver to think about it (it's so cold here) but the rec center at school has a decent indoor pool. :)
@msmoneypenny: I had a plan to work out like mad and then I hurt my knee really badly. It's getting better though, and I will most definitely try to give myself happy endorphins.
@notwhoyouthoughtiwas: 30 rock is love. And it totally bears repeat viewings.
@NellMood: thank you. :/
@SUNNY1: Ironically (since I didn't like the wincest), I mostly read buffy slash. Angel/Spike and Xander/Oz were my favorites. Aw, Xander/Oz.