Double Standard

Get your images straight, this is a Trump rally from last week.

I thought it was pretty clear Chewie was focused on Finn. He went berserk for Han, and then began focusing on what he could do to help, getting back to the Falcon (probably taking it back since it was apparently discovered) and then rescuing everyone. He’s “burying himself in his work.”

It’s almost like it’s genetic and people don’t have a choice.

Because that would be a huge breach of Apple’s privacy agreement with users? Because that’s still effectively the same thing? Because Apple would still have to write the software and update the phone (without wiping it, which would require a custom version of iTunes) and so it fails the “undue burden” test?

Ubisoft botch a launch? SHOCKING.

Why do all of these folks think THEIR project will be any different? The KOTOR remake being a prime example. “Oh, we’re not SELLING it so it’s legal!” No buddy, no it’s not.

That’s still paying a company to do a job that’s bested by hackers routinely.

The fact that China voted for this latest round of sanctions says a ton.

You realize that the publishers themselves don’t maintain the security checks anymore, right? There’s third party companies doing this for pennies per copy.

Hmm that is interesting.

At a certain point, you’re the sand screaming at the sea to stop pounding. The market at large doesn’t care about online connectivity, because the benefits outweigh the negatives for the vast majority of the user base, the majority of the time. Like it or not, the days of offline gaming are numbered.

LeBlanc forever!

Hard drives are cheap, have less issues than internet based DRM.

The Red Viper lives?

Hehe, fair point and I agree - The Golden Globes really is better at this.

Switch the roles, and I think Leo would have fallen flat in The Martian. Damon carries the subtle humour of the movie and the book perfectly. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Leo do that kind of a role without a “wink and a nudge,” which removes the viewer from the role. Damon disappeared into the role. I just wanted to

despite his acting being pretty regularé in Revenant.

Cars are only Gabe’s other hobby because they allow him to go to the store to purchase more knives.

Lost World.

The truck caught fire in the creek bed