I’m far more interested in a new Top Gear with everyone but Evans, than the Top Gear with Evans. Let him leave and get fired already.
I’m far more interested in a new Top Gear with everyone but Evans, than the Top Gear with Evans. Let him leave and get fired already.
I’m all for more EV’s, but this shows why most automakers fail in the segment.
I expect that you’ll be waiting until 2020 for that next car then.
Who is this person who died?
Did he miss the memo that it’s not mathematically impossible for him to catch Trump in delegates?
Barely any of the characters in Lord of the Rings talks to Frodo, unless their names are Gandalf or Sam. Fuck, Legolas just says “And my bow!” and that’s it! I’m not even sure Frodo even knows Legolas’ fucking name.
Uber will just take anyone for a driver nowadays.
Fuck off. I worked hard for over a decade to get where I am, and that path did not include ever working in a GameStop store.
I work in the industry. CIG is a laughing stock amongst industry veterans. It’s the inmates running the asylum at best over there.
You just keep telling yourself that.
Is there precedent for us to sue these representatives for wasting taxpayer dollars? They draw a salary from the federal government, ergo my tax dollars are paying for their time of this bullshit.
Check out the DestinyTheGame subreddit. It’s way more friendly and informative and way, way less insane than the Bungie forums.
But not to factions. The Jalal and Lahskmi-2 aren’t so forgiving. Executor Hideo will take what he can get. They can go join New Monarchy.
To anyone who said The Division would be everything Destiny wasn’t -
I was skeptical at first, but after getting seat time in one, they are incredible cars. Tons of room and handle fantastic.
Please can we stop with the totally stupid assumption that VW was the only company cheating? All of them cheat, VW just got caught first.
Most other car brands a) have been at this a lot longer and b) aren’t doing things as wildly different as Tesla.
Why in the fuck are campuses still even touching rape cases? It’s a criminal activity, committed by adults. Sexual assault of any kind should be going to the local police, who should have full jurisdiction. This whole “Safe space” bullshit is asinine.
There was always something ironic about having Jackson on currency when his main thing, other than murdering Native Americans, was fighting against a central bank.
No shit. Has anyone complaining about this even looked a the fucking art? There’s characters in GiTS that are clearly asian. The Major is not one of those characters.