
I’m going to watch this regardless, but I wish they’d taken the opportunity to set it literally anywhere other than New York. The movie didn’t need a massive city to work, and the tv show would have been a great opportunity for, like, Cleveland. Or some other middle-sized American town. Vampires in New York isn’t as

So...everyone in that bus is dead, right? I mean, he caught it, but that’s not how physics works.

I can’t get over the muscle suit. It’s so distracting.

Im also curious what is so fucking horrible about fairness?

Yeah, you wouldn’t do that. If you had something that would have been worth $4 million and then someone damaged it, halving the value, you would be like “No problem! Things happen!”

How does wanting compensation for a damaged item make you an asshole? Is there a $ limit after which you are not allowed to care about damage anymore?

The amount of money she made is irrelevant. The fact is, if they damaged the item, she has a right to compensation and that doesn’t make her an asshole.

They know exactly what it means, and they attempt to gaslight everyone (because they are stupid enough to think it works).

When’s the last time you saw 9/11 footage used as stock in a movie?

Never demean a rational choice like this. It’s effectively the only means of watching many, many back-catalog films at this point and also the most cost-effective means of watching new releases, assuming you watch more than a couple a month. 

Oh stop. You knew they were never killing him. Sony was not going to agree with Marvel to kill him off and stop making their movies. This fact makes him the ONLY truly bullet-proof resurrection in Infinity Wars, as his IP rights are not for Marvel to decide.

If that tiny minority is negatively affecting everyone else by sucking up and hoarding all the money while buying off politicians to break down rights the rest of us have spent decades trying to earn then I see no issue with it. 

If I went in to watch Unbreakable knowing it was a “comic book movie”, I think I would’ve been disappointed. One of the neat things about the movie is that it kind of sneaks up on you in that sense, even though the very first shot is a comic book quote.

No, they are saying if you are going to depict sexual assault, then you need to acknowledge that it’s sexual assault. Charmed didn’t.

Boy it sure looks like the most reliable red flag is “previously assaulted a woman and got away with it”

Helloooo. I’m Wirru, the cosplayer in the photos.

I addressed that in the article.

Oh hey, it’s almost like they didn’t care about doing anything to Jones until he personally antagonized Dorsey yesterday on the steps of Congress.

“Nor does he self-identify as a Nazi.”

Musk is the only person who had the hubris to think that he could contribute something that not a single one of the hundreds of more qualified search-and-rescue specialists, divers, or Navy SEALS asked for, needed, or wanted. And the media keeps eating out of his asshole, and Musk knows it. He’s not trying to help,

Luke being a super cynical old man makes perfect sense to me, so much so that I seriously don’t understand those who are upset that Luke isn’t the idealist of the original trilogy. Yes, he was super idealistic...when he was young, but age and experience and seeing what happened with his nephew have chipped away at him