
Now say it again, but replace “$14 an hour” with “enough to pay rent and buy food.” Recognize you are saying “if your industry underpays the necessary role you are suited for, I have decided you do not deserve to live.”

The government always has to get involved to keep workers alive, and the capitalist class always

No, the argument is that throughout much of America “Long Haul Truck Driver” is one of the most common and profitable careers. Throughout a lot of America, services for those truckers make up a huge additional percentage of the economy. Once long haul trucking is no longer a job that employs humans, *not only* will

More importantly, people know that racism is bad, and racists are evil. We’ve drilled that hard. Therefore, if *you* are not evil, what you are doing can’t be racism. Instead of centering the impacts of actions it centers the intention of actors and so we get into these cycles of “Sure, [individual] takes part in and

Do you forget that there’s still scantly glad woman streaming demanding donations and talking down to their subscribers/viewers?

Thats some Count of Monte Cristo shit

Yes, yes, that will do it. Harass the people exploited by the disconnected wealthy man with delusions. THAT will certainly teach the disconnected wealthy man with delusions a valuable lesson, and not just further wear down the people just trying to make a living.

“White boys *are taught*...” says nothing about white boys intrinsically or as a class. It *explains* how insidious ideas are spread and become prevalent in the population, and it’s not wrong. But, key factor: You can be taught bad things as a child, grow, and learn to reject them. That’s actually part of being an

I think the “so dumb he just left them lying around” tack is off. It’s probably fair to say he kept them in case he needed to flip on his clients to cop a plea, or to blackmail them, and was just too slow-witted to adjust when one client became the most scrutinized man in the country.

Did I actually just read this whole article, correctly?

So your logic is that once racism is so deeply entrenched that (not-personally-affected) speakers don’t have to think about it, it’s OK? Like, sure, Romani English speakers are damn well aware when you say “gypped” you’re using a slur that describes them as thieves, but because that’s normal to *you*, no harm no foul?

Your scare quotes and slippery slope arguments are cute, but you’re full of crap. If you’re out in public in nazi regalia spouting nazi positions, you’re a Nazi, not a “Nazi”. If you’re a nazi, you are advocating for the violent oppression and genocide of multiple at-risk groups de facto. By spreading and normalizing

What is it with society and the necessity of “Male Anger?”

Thank you. Now that you’re down to the rubber/glue reality denial phase, more people might realize you’re a timewasting troll. Have fun with that.

Maybe you don’t know how businesses work... they don’t make financial decisions based on .004 percent of a population.

Riiiiight. You just said the only way certain people have to engage with the medium “sounds awful” and when someone pointed out that it was an accessibility feature, you blew them off because you think the feature designed for the blind couldn’t POSSIBLY be on Netflix for the blind. Great, you didn’t know what this

Second any state who’s not a member will feel marginalized and cry bloody murder and things will get even uglier than what we have today. Especially since the members of the compact currently are all traditionally Democrat leaning/dominate states. So now you just need enough reliably Democrat states to join and you

Mentioned this yesterday, too, but I don’t think I’ve gotten an answer - the code for the hot glue gun didn’t seem to be taking for me. It appears the seller on the link provided is Taousll, I had to turn to the other providers and choose a more expensive listing by O‘Plaza to apply the code successfully.

Mentioned this yesterday, too, but I don’t think I’ve gotten an answer - the code for the hot glue gun didn’t seem

To be fair, a guy wearing “I love guns” paraphernalia is exactly the kind of person I don’t want to see screaming angrily in the middle of a pack of kids. The odds that this irate, potentially irrational individual might also be packing are slightly increased, and that’s not a risk you take with other people’s kids.

With you on this one. It looked like we were watching frustration and grief in real time. I also got the impression he was close to publication, but that’s on me for not actually doing any research. His bio said “work in”, which is short for “I have work published in”, not equivalent to “I am currently working for.”