
Don’t forget Blink 182's Tom Delonge taking time off to educate himself and the world about aerospace and astronomy.

I love Loki, but I honestly think he’s been used as comic relief too much to be considered the greatest villain. Aside from the first Avengers, he’s been more of a nuisance than a threat, and doing everything for his own gain makes him more one-dimensional for me. Killmonger was just terrific in every possible way,

I’m reading (almost finished) Adam Tooze’s The Wages of Destruction and have recently started Ellen Ullman’s By Blood. After those I plan to start Infinite Jest for the first time.

Have almost finished Brief Interviews with Hideous Men. It’s been interesting to read the “interview” sections during the rise of #MeToo. In 1999 (when originally published), I may have perceived the voices as more of an exaggeration.

Everybody’s older brother is going to be stoked.

FYI this is not me giving up, just need to rant.

Yes, it would have been better.


The state was charged 6 figures for that guy’s work. I would be surprised if he was paid even 50% of what was charged though.

eh, java is pretty verbose, you could write a book and application at the same time.

The guy who actually wrote it? No way. The contract company that put in the lowest bid and then had cost overruns? Definitely.

Intelligence briefing but he doesn’t listen to them. Maybe they can run an ad on Fox News.

Also watermelon and fruit punch. They’re okay, but the watermelon and strawberry are damn near the same color.

Starburst is flavored wax.

what about all that ketchup on his steak?

Letterman had a consensual relationship with a 34 yr old woman, dipshit. Lets not conflate what he did with rapey behavior.

Trump didn’t say what was on everyone’s mind. If he said what was on your mind, it’s because you’re as horrible as he is. If the only way you can justify your opinions to yourself is to pretend like everyone else shares them, you may want to consider the possibility that you just plain suck.

Press was Hoekstra’s Dutch Uncle.

My favorite part of this clip is the “This is not hard work” statement.