
Fire and Furry?

Silk roads? Where we’re going we don’t need silk roads.

Hey, everyone! Check out this guy who chose the green pill (the one that makes you comment on the wrong story)!

It was invented by Marty McFly, when he visited ancient China.

The only way he loses an election here is if Jesus himself runs against him.

My id doesn’t hate black people, fear Muslims, hate/fear Latinx, and despise LGBTQ people, so he ain’t my id

He’s 300 lbs of shit in a 200 pound bag

Couldn’t squeeze “lock her up” on there, eh? Well, maybe next time.

Why do Hot Dogs come in 10 packs while Buns come in 8?

Uhh...maybe don’t mention “home planet” to Leia.

They could just tell everyone Ivanka has high blood pressure and dementia and he’s stepping down for her sake.

It seemed to happen fast in this particular episode but I bought it because I thought the idea was that she’d been holed up in her apartment alone just watching video of people dying over and over again for weeks (or for however long it’s supposed to be since the 71 buildings were blown up) She’s cracking up. She

I meant you, fool.

“Everyone is worked up about Al Franken resigning, but it was the right thing. And you know what - I’d let 40 democratic senators resign if that’s what it took to rid congress of all the rapists in it’s midst. Well meaning folks want to play politics with women’s bodies and I’m not having it.”

This person is a troll. Check out their history.

People doing the moral thing that gave them “peace of mind” instead of voting for the person that wasn’t “perfect” is why we have Trump in the White House.

I can’t wrap my head around Jill Stein. Not a smart person.

Jill Stein is an idiot.

Liked for the first half of your comment.

That’s really mean. Louie doesn’t deserve that.