In his back pocket?
In his back pocket?
Gods are tricky.
no no.
God doesn’t exists, next question.
That’s there plan for everything.
It is so maddening that a tax credit is supposed to help pay for things. I make so little a tax credit will do zero to help me. It’s such a privileged political ploy.
Using an AOL account in 2016 upsets me more than anything in this article.
bet his password was 12345
But, but, but....emails! Lock him up! Seriously, another GOP hypocrite? What a shocker!
Well, they’ve killed the Republic, so I guess they did.
I am deeply, unequivocally done FINISHED hearing his voice. Anymore is sends me into a rage fit. I think for my health I’ll use captions
Left one dead? ONE?
OMG Spicer is behind the leaks! He’s been submarining the Administration this whole time!
Will he offer his own company pennies on the dollar? Sweet schadenfreude if little Donny’s company was bankrupted by his own practices.
According to the story personal phones were checked too, but here’s hoping the leakers are either smart enough to not use a device they carry at work to leak OR they’re super thorough about covering their tracks (deleting certain messaging apps between uses, erasing text messages and call logs as soon as they send…
Well sure, you’d have to be a pretty big dumbass to use your government-issued phone for ya leaking.