It’s features a direct connect to the Russian intelligence community.
It’s features a direct connect to the Russian intelligence community.
Germany, love. Germany’s going to pay for it.
Man, i hated rotary phones. You had to start all the way from the beginning if you made a mistake and didn’t dial the reich number.
The American taxpayers just bought a phone that probably doesn’t even work.
But his work with peanuts will ensure his name lives forever.
I read somewhere that Fox News reported recently (yesterday?) that crime in Sweden has risen because they took in refugees, or something like that. Trump presumably saw that and assumed there had been a terrorist attack there, or mixed up information, or who the hell knows.
I just checked on my brother, who lives in Stockholm. He says he was lucky to have escaped.
Especially since Van Jones and Ana Navarro are pundits, not reporters. Navarro is clearly in the Republican establishment and Van Jones is on the left. They’re supposed to hate Trump. That’s their fucking job.
I never said that, this blog is fake news.
Excellent catch, but can you explain how he spelt both that word and the word ‘marginalize’ correctly? I mean, he can’t spell ‘honor’ correctly...
The same person who tapes his ties?
The failing @nytimes writes total fiction concerning me. They have gotten it wrong for two years, and now are making up stories & sources!
Please refrain from connecting the pile of rotting yams to the awesomeness of Hamilton in anyway.
I think the word “accumulation” points to this being not-Trump at the keyboard...
When I heard myself nodding to Mitch McConnell’s response — just an excerpt that was broadcast on NPR — and thinking “yes; that makes sense,” I realised how far we have fallen. Mitch McConnell as a voice of reason in the face of lunacy.
I often ask myself who ties Donald’s shoelaces, and how much does said person make?
Bowling green #neverforget
Many of them cast against Kinja rules.
This so called president really likes to tweet.