
I think they can if they’re from the Moran clan.

Really, I grew up in Georgia and we had relatively progressive leadership until. . Roy Barnes got rid of the old racist flag. Since then they have gone crazy .

Same here. There’s so much great about NC and I’d never want to live elsewhere, but McCrory and our legislature are fucking horrible. I hope tomorrow is a big shake up.

I’m a native Tennessean. I was represented by a Democrat in Congress until the Tea Party took over in 2010. People I’ve known forever have shocked me with their hate and ugliness. I don’t recognize the town I grew up in anymore.

It is really sad to see what’s happened to North Carolina since the Tea Baggers got control.

Much good it did them. Nate Silver just put North Carolina in the blue column.

How do these scumbags sleep at night. None of them have the simple intelligence to see that if you have to fucking cheat, over and over, to win for your shitstain of a candidate THEN YOU ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE.

As a black dude currently living in NC, I made sure to cast my ballot early. Here’s hoping McCrory and Trump have a bad day tomorrow

Black North Carolinians: Please vote tomorrow and fuck their shit up. Sincerely, White New Englander

Fav quotes:

Aww. I would have ended this post with

That’s how you know it’s the truth. The Enquirer wouldn’t print it.

I’m someone who’s freely criticized both major parties in the past and will certainly do so in the future, but the Democratic Party wasn’t the one stirring its base into a frenzied bloodlust about jailing and executing the opponent, or crafting outlandish conspiracies like saying the opponent murdered people.

“I fee like people are completely ignoring the fact that their is a solid portion of his own party that has committed to vote against him.”

Easy. Your country is full of terrified, racist, sexist assholes.

Black president


My parents are at that rally and called to let us know they were okay. I think their definition of being okay, and mine are a wee little different. I’m so ashamed. 😭

That is for sure the bigger deal here. That the ENQUIRER would pay that amount of money to throw it in the bottom drawer. Hmmmm seems 🐟🐡🐟🐡🐟🐡

I bet the protester’s head exploded when he was able to unironically say, “Thanks Obama!”