Maybe one way to change negative attitudes and get things moving forward is to address the biases and insecurities some men might have about it due to toxic masculinity? That’s why the interviewer asked the question....
Maybe one way to change negative attitudes and get things moving forward is to address the biases and insecurities some men might have about it due to toxic masculinity? That’s why the interviewer asked the question....
He literally described himself as an Independent in that press release the other week saying that he was going to give a response to the SOTU in addition to the Democratic response.
I’m hoping “covington high school” becomes a black mark on all college and job applications.
No doubt there are a lot of Britons who feel this way, but the “people on Twitter said this thing” has to be one of my least favorite pieces of new journalism. There are people on Twitter who say they want to fuck Gritty. We gonna write a story about that now? Actually someone on Giz media probably already has.
It might have something to do with Trump’s self-centered world view. He assumes that other people are just like him, and we’ve all seen that he can be persuaded into just about anything provided it comes with enough praise.
DeVos is a perfect summation of Trump’s cabinet of deplorables, grifters, and lackwits. She personifies what i term as ‘malevolence tempered by incompetence’
Yeah, but then I suppose we shouldn’t expect three-dimensional characters with complex motives from somebody who writes bad morality plays about abortions. When one has organized their life around a political philosophy designed to strip women of their agency, it’s hard to imaging that person possessed of the sort of…
feeling [emphasis: mine] another’s pain—causes us to focus on anecdotes, favor individuals similar to us, and harbor other irrational and dangerous biases.
We’ve had some very strong and accomplished women be First Lady, both Republican and Democrat. Many of these women have been integral to the many decades long careers in public service that lead to the White House. By the time they get there, they know the ropes of American politics, and have a firm grasp on…
I loved the movie and loved the Hulk/Thor interaction but was a bit worried about how they kinda just glossed over the “If I turn back into Hulk, I’m afraid I can never go back to Bruce” thing.
He also thinks Akie Abe doesn’t speak English.
If the person who can fire you begins a statement with “I hope you can” 99.9% of the population knows that really means “Do this or you’re fired” and we know this is what Trump meant BECAUSE THEN HE FIRED HIM FOR NOT DOING IT.
And for this guy, as a politician, to then go back and write a memo: ‘Oh, I felt threatened.’ He felt so threatened — but he didn’t do anything.”
It was so telling that every single one of her answers to questions about student progress in that benighted hearing was from the parents’ point of view; whether the parents were satisfied with the child’s education. Any teacher will tell you that parents are a vital part of the educational process, but not always…
Okay, I’ll bite. I think live music is thrilling. A terrific singer can change up phrasing and intonation, decide to come in ahead of or behind the beat, respond to what’s in her heart or what’s going on in the world. She can keep the material fresh. There is a reason fans of acts like the Grateful Dead or Bruce…