Secret Criminal, MD

O.A.R. was to Big 10 and SEC schools what Guster was to liberal arts colleges

Or can the orchestra play an OAR song

At least he used one comma and ended it with a question mark. Give the guy some credit, man.

Go fuck yourself.

Hail to Pitt, baby!

The Ooze is probably my album of the year choice.

Shut the fuck up, Stephen.

Not even Joe Buck Live can compete with this.

No one should ever appreciate Big Cat

Maybe it is simply a very unfortunate time to find out that the McClintock Effect is in fact scientifically true.

They prefer to be called ‘little people’.

Trump talking is exactly equivalent to Trump lying.

Behind the scenes Phil and Diet Hitler went on to discuss bad hair, ill-fitting suits, and KFC.

It sickens me to see such a solemn holiday cheapened to sell - oh

With my own beloved Capitals washed out of the playoffs once again, my rooting interests are:

The best hockey was played in Chuck E Cheese in the 90s.

Hey Deadspin, I’m a female! Females get head, too!

“Could I get 5 three-minute sessions instead?” You really need some representation brah

Are you really bragging that the only way you can get head is through a miracle? That’s sad.

I want to go as Drew on chopped but I can’t find a store that sells a shirt even remotely as bad as that one