inside job.
inside job.
I have more or less come to the conclusion that when you order the tasting menu you are announcing to your immediate vicinity that you do not belong—at least not on an everyday basis. I found this out the hard way when I took the lady to Nobu and ordered the mid tier tasting menu. Our neighbors were wearing rich…
beer is cool
this is art.
i preferred the ending with the abrupt [cums]
that's really great.
power Blackman
Shame on you Deadspin. You should know momentum doesn't exist.
Ok, thanks college-ass white people.
"get off my icloud" is the best crotchety old white man rebuke ever.
Photo: AP
informally, who would you put ahead of him>?
I re-ally liked this story.
dats what i was wunderin
Your move, Apple.
you clicked bitch.
credit goes to all the job-havers out there providing the welfare safety net that allowed this guy to achieve such video game heights.
You would need versatile playmakers that can shoot (at least two of them) and play most defensive positions.
good job.