Secret Bastard

Didn't Suicide Squad returns fall off a cliff on Saturday?


I liked the episode but when everything else about the show is trying to be "realistic" in terms of showing us the bits that other procedurals cut away from, the Riker's stuff is getting too…obvious.

Let's talk about how Stone popping the Viagra and getting rejected for a bigger fish gave him the testicular fortitude to hunt down a dangerous killer through the set of a John Frankenheimer movie.

Being cancelled by a video game console network has got to sting.

I want a Venn Diagram of DC Films apologists and Trump supporters.

Shockingly!, Leto's Joker seems to be the worst part of a bad movie a lot of people wanted to like, but reviews consistently have Robbie's Harley as one of it's silver linings.

Ho boy, here we go. Commence the "Biased Critics are up Marvel's ass!" whinging.


I want Strangers on a Train with Holden and Naz from The Night Of hooking each other up.

It's true. But OTOH, my brain's version wasn't from the creator of SAUSAGE PARTY.

Arseface is not a fair trade for John Wayne. I'm sure they could have gotten Val Kilmer to play HeadWayne if they asked.

"It’s a tricky criticism to make—arguing a show “wasted” time."


I'm glad they didn't have Naz suddenly remember a critical detail when he was testifying. For a split second it looked like that's where they were going, and it would have disappointed me.

Is there are word for the opposite of a Fetish? Because whatever it is, I don't need to see John Turturro's feet again for the rest of my life.


30 years ago Fisher Stevens would have been playing Naz instead of the pharmacist.

BrainDead is also still on Sundays.

Freckles steals his bag, the pictures get ripped up and Nancy picks up the scraps. He doesn't fess up of his on volition, and he doesn't see The Monster in person or in the photos.