Secret Bastard

I'm not trying to equate it with falling in love with your rapist or Stockholm Syndrome, but it's definitely #3 on that list.

Okay, so, the portals to Silent Hill:

Avengers: The Infinity Gauntlet

I could have forgiven it if it turned out there were other guys in different bushes, and it's just something she deals with.

There is no way Nancy should have ended up with Jonathan.


I'm sure he's crying himself to sleep every night.

Yep. And I still think the mask itself was based on Mr. Monopoly.

Obviously. It was cute that the file they opened to watch it was a torrent name, like every episode title.

If only there was a way to tell how many searches torrent sites are getting for The Careful Massacre of the Bourgeoisie.

I think genre geeks are just trained to share the things they love like it's a secret club, and find it hard to disassociate themselves from the public at large.

Yeah I mentioned that somewhere else around here. The standard line is that the Chinese won't turn out for "ethnic" movies, and thus won't finance them either.

I think people love Pixar movies even though they all have the same plot. I think people look for reasons to complain, but geeks especially. I think I paid $14 for a ticket to The World's End that I will never get back.

All I saw was that Whedon feels responsible for AoA not being what it could have been, and that he'd still love to do Black Widow. (I think I'd rather they give that to Kathryn Bigelow, if they don't get her for Captain Marvel first…)

But the institution itself hasn't changed in that case, the individual has.

I would gulp down Margot Robbie's bathwater like champagne, but she's not quite the Amazonian that Wonder Woman requires. Plus WB wouldn't have had to steal her away at the last minute.

Thanks, man.

I've been trying to put my finger on why I'm all for a bigger Godzilla, but a Kong this size bothers me.

That bothered me too. I preferred the comic logo original.

I think they really want her to direct this.