Secret Bastard

Nah. Those accusations were from nerds butt-hurt that Zack Snyder turned out
to be the absolute wrong choice to go anywhere near Superman, and defended it like Bostonians defend Tom Brady.

Steve Ditko is Phil Spector.

No arguments from me.

Yep. He also had the foresight not to name him "Coal Tiger."

There was every reason to believe Deadpool would kick ass. It was a Surprise that it became the highest-grossing X-Franchise.

For real, no one gives a shit about Captain Marvel, or anyone that's ever used the name. The only memorable thing Mar-Vell ever did was die of Cancer, and for all the Kelly Sue DeConnick Carol Corps cheerleading, even restarting the book 4 times has never helped it find a sizeable audience.

I'm curious to see what they do with this.

And Kirby was lost at sea without him. They were John and Paul, better together than they were on their own.

Margot Robbie has said she was juuuust about to sign onto a major superhero franchise when DC stepped in and asked her to take a look at Harley Quinn. I can't imagine she was talking about anyone other than Carol Danvers.

Gunn seems to be sensitive about Nicole Perlman's contributions to the first film's script. For good or ill, this one is going to have more of his fingerprints on it, as Kurt Russell seems to back up.

I think Black Panther can be a Deadpool level surprise smash, but this will be the true test of the Marvel brand.

So: Third Act heel turn for Mordo, and Mikkelsen goes full Dormammu before the credits roll, right?

It won't be vitriol, it will be straight-up Bigotry.

This has the potential to be such a game-changer, and put to bed the Hollywood notion that white crowds won't show up to black films.

So they scaled him up because they've already announced King Kong Vs. Godzilla is in the works, right?

Clearly they got the memo in terms of tone, but someone needs to be fired for that Flash costume.


Remember when people were complaining that Gal Gadot was all wrong?


I haven't seen the film, and I don't particularly care for Leslie Jones on SNL or anywhere else.