Secret Bastard

Soon to be head of the Trump News Network.

This was absolutely sabotage. Whoever wrote it Rickrolled the RNC, for chrissake. It was Genius.

Shocking that that Hefty Bag full of pestilence would have no problem sharing a private video without consent, considering the only reason anyone knows she fucking exists is that that's how her porn got out.

If they ever make a feature about the '86 Mets roster, it needs to be scored by Andrew WK.

So hypothetically, if this fails to catch fire against CG pets this week, and then fades away against Star Trek and Jason Bourne soon after, will the narrative be that nerds are spiteful human beings that won't support female-lead, childhood-ruining films, or that it was simply the latest example in an endless string

Okay, I'm sorry, but this piece reads like someone watched the season, and then, as the tragic events of the last few weeks unfolded, realized there were some parallels they could get an op-ed out of in retrospect.

Why, then, is the audience left with no resolution following her death? Why does warden Caputo (Nick Sandow), who was driven to try to take down the prison on behalf of condemned-to-solitary Sophia (Laverne Cox, whose diminished presence also hurt the season), suddenly disregard all of the inmates and support the very

As Poussey spends the season honeymooning with annoying radical Soso (Kimiko Glenn), she’s minimized to the point where she becomes a mere plot device. Her death could have represented the realities of police brutality. Instead, it plays as a cheap way to write off a character with a wink toward current headlines.

Piper (Taylor Schilling)’s discrimination against the Dominican girls
when they threaten her mail-order panty business is more than just
another case of Piper being the worst. She’s actively using her white
privilege to put women of color in danger. The swastika that the
Dominicans then brand on her is quickly turned

This exploitative choice allows OITNB to position itself with the Black Lives Matter movement for entertainment, but stops short of assigning actual blame for Poussey’s death. The show removes the political circumstances of white privilege, supremacy, and police violence by making Poussey’s murderer one of the good

Did it look to anyone else like they changed the design of the FSociety mask, to make it slightly less Rich Uncle Pennybags / Mr. Monopoly?

There are only 2, post-premiere and post-finale.

There needs to be a moratorium on using that "Now we're just determining your price" story, along with the Scorpion and the Frog "It's my nature!"

Man I was hoping there was a swerve coming and last episode wasn't what it seemed, because it changes the nature of the way Jesse's power works. Arseface should only be in Hell if he already had the power to teleport there.

Well, I'm all in.

Again, I get the feeling that if the film is a success it's going to be despite him.

Yeah, I realize that, but a show like The Good Wife managed to hire plenty of Brits who the average viewer had no idea was faking an accent. It's not really an excuse.

Eh. I have a cousin with a style like Mahfood, but he doesn't know it because he's 10.

I'm going to step out of here pretty quickly, as there's a lot of over-enthusiastic fans of this particular show that can't help but share their knowledge of Book Things, and even asking rhetorically how Sophie Skelton compares to print Brianna is going to cause some spoiler spillage, I can just feel it.

Does anyone remember Downtown? It had some great tracks by Kimson Albert, who does animation stuff for Venture Bros and Steven Universe now. So glad I found the .MP3's on when it was still airing.