Secret Bastard

Thanks! I actually had that one and the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon, randomly.

Can anyone point me in the direction of more animated series bibles/pitch documents?

Haha, I swear I was just about to say the same thing.

"As for 'Why is the only Asian character the gay one?', I don't exactly see the problem."

Okay, but if that's the case, did it have to be Sulu just because Takei is a prominent gay figure?

I love Kat Dennings, and it would be nice to believe there's a method to her madness and she's not just slumming it for a paycheck.

The only woman on the crew is the only black person on the crew. Now the only Asian person on the crew is the only gay person on the crew.

It's not about whether Cho's work changes any of Takei's work.

Except I wasn't speaking to Heteronormativity, and as an icon fully aware of his responsibility as a Spokesgay — whether he asked to be one or not — that isn't Takei's issue either.

Romantic lead against Karen Gillen, no less.

Just for the record, to whomever deleted my post, "I'd let her give me AIDS" is a line Jonah Hill's character says in reference to Margot Robbie's in The Wolf of Wall Street.

They did speak to him, and he did express his feelings.

So help me out here.

Takei is very proud of Sulu's post-TOS accomplishments. The fact that he went on to have his own Command is something he often brings up in interviews. He has a lot of ownership in the character.

OMG Schadenfreudgasm

This review did more to make me want to watch the show than any of the boring HBO promos.

I get the feeling that if people like Suicide Squad, it's going to be despite Jared Leto.

Well, I was curious to hear from the person the question was directed to, but I appreciate taking the time to respond, and assume you did all that off the top of your head without needing a Google assist.

Just curious, but who would you have hired?

Absolutely right. But then, who is that not true of? Only people that work for Marvel can act on their ideas for Marvel. And getting work at Marvel isn't easy for anyone.