Secret Bastard

"They could have put Rhodes back in the armor and no who reads Iron Man comics would have batted an eye."

I don't know. "Meh" is a perfectly reasonable reaction, but it seems to me that "Boosting Sales" is Marvel's reason to exist.

You are right. Maybe I should have said "Comics Twitter" or just "Comics Alliance."

Captains America

But seriously, fuuuuck Comics Fandom.

I realized that the entire character of Tulip is the show's weakest link.

It's how Feminists say "Dude."

As it turns out, Cruelty.

The most tragic and fucked up of Super Pets is Comet, the Super Horse.

I'm a feminist.

Spider-Ham is awesome, but Nick Furry, Agent of S.H.E.E.P. is Legend.

Remember the VP debate where John Edwards dropped that Cheney's daughter was a homosexual, and he didn't dispute it in the moment, because there's nothing fucking wrong with it, but afterwards the Right called it Dirty Tricks?

Technically he doesn't have a daughter named Ivanka, because she legally changed it to Yael.

Jane Foster is Thor now. So while technically the dude in the promo has been in MCU films, he goes by his surname now, Odinson. He also lost his hammer and one of his arms.

Well, you've convinced me! WTF was I thinking?

The first 5 graphs of this piece read like someone looking to fill a pre-existing agenda and have a vague stink of desperation.

I remember being very little and visiting relatives, and having a cousin's BF pull me out of bed to watch "On the Job, Part 2." I didn't understand everything, but I saw how hard the grown-ups were laughing, so it must have been funny. Also it had Grandpa Munster.

She is overdue for the public knocking her off her very lofty pedestal. It's going to be brutal.

Because the Lannisters need someone on their side now that Dani is coming with everyone else behind her?

Who would have thought there'd finally be a Preacher series and I can barely muster the enthusiasm to press Play on the DVR to watch it? How could the source material possibly inspire this much indifference?