Secret Bastard

But…who will wield the shield?! And what will Steve Rogers use?!

Ой, бедный Маrtha.

What's unclear to you?

The difference, of course, is that you are armed with the requisite information. You know what non-book readers really don't want to know, and can refrain from answering those questions as a service to them. The kindest charity is anonymous.

We can't even reveal what year it is when the book open


I know she meant well and was just trying to be helpful, but its that giddy "I know something you don't know" thing that some people just can't help themselves from doing.

They say no one could have broken the color barrier but Jackie Robinson. Not just because of his talents, but because of his class, grace and carriage. The same will be said for this man. No President has had to eat more shit than Obama, or put up with the indignities that have been foisted upon him, starting

Not to be a pedantic jerk, but you kind of are spoiling it just by answering that way. Maybe best to let people who haven't read the books give speculative replies.

Man if you take Jamie's speech out of context — he's been alone in a hole but Randall awakened something inside him, etc. — it could really be interpreted as man coming to grips with his homosexuality.

Couldn’t Claire have looked way more pregnant in those scenes with Frank from the season premiere?

It also needs to be said that Eliza Dushku has one trick, and it's a trick this show didn't really need any more of. I'm finding her tedious, and sort of resent her for Rebecca being dead.

I hope he mixed his vocal track back into "Bad."

There's also been enough over-the-top characters that the Jim Rose Circus guy is forgivable too.

Yeah, Rebecca is too important a character on this show to be just-another-random-chick snatched by Satanists. It sniffs of Shocking Twist.

𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫: Marvel is basically renting back Spider-Man from Sony and letting them play with their Avengers toys in return. This would be a deal between Sony and Fox, without anything for Marvel Studios to offer IP wise.

But $5 tho.

Hm. I think that I was writing in the Phil Miller-ish tone of the show itself probably failed to translate. Saying it failed at being funny is subjective.

You are certainly entitled to. I have no doubt that he is a very lovely man. I'm just jealous, and that was written tongue firmly planted in cheek if it wasn't obvious.

What a spectacular miscalculation.