Secret Bastard

Its especially egregious when they can't even use the original theme songs. How the fuck does that happen?

Otis Spofford had a profound influence on my young mind.

Now do George Weiss — the guy who paid for Ed Wood's Glen or Glenda — and his Olga movies (Olga's House of Shame, White Slaves of Chinatown, etc.)


Jeffrey Dean Morgan helicoptered in from CBS, same time, same night.

I've tried watching the pilot like 3 times but keep falling asleep.

Wow Banshee the town has always been a second cousin to Twin Peaks, but they really went full Laura Palmer.

My schadenfreude is strong with this one. I want a FANTASTIC FOUR-level disaster.

But doesn't Stick also make a reference to "that Greek Supermodel" he dated in Season 1? Now Matt doesn't even know they knew eachother.

Daredevil didn't get an actual costume until the final episode of Season 1, either.

So can someone tell me how this lines up with Elektra's current origin in the books?

Marvel's TV model might not be as front-and-center as DC having a show on every night/network, but there's no comparison in quality, and because they are tied into the cinematic universe they feel like they "count" more. I can't imagine Netflix not considering an expansion once the current contract has proved

If only there was a something that could neatly fit in Marvel/Netflix's "Urban Crime" model for a HAWKEYE series to be based on, perhaps with some, oh, I don't know, spunky, charismatic and even-more-capable female sidekick, and a canine what loves pizza…

"They won't kill her. They have to give Bullseye something to do when he shows up…"

“So we have this move THE CELLAR that’s testing okay. The script isn’t bad and there are some good performances. But lets face it, no one saw ROOM, even with the Oscar nominations. How do we get people to spend $12 to be stuck in a bunker with a creepy ass John Goodman for 90 minutes?”

Not only does tacking existing IP onto this thing not do it any favors, but it actually makes CLOVERFIELD suck more retroactively.

Celebrities use passwords like "1234."

Great job, Etsy!

Yeah I wanted them to put Glenn in jeopardy every single episode since the dumpster, like Kenny from South Park, just so people grow a callous to it.

He totally had Cloud and iTunes backup for that shit.