Secret Bastard

He gets Jon Snow'd by Todd McFarlane.

I love that the original notes and documentation shared in the behind-the-scenes book that came with ABSOLUTE COIE make it clear that:
A) the series was in the planning stages for years before it was put on the schedule.
B) "Anti-Monitor" was always intended as a placeholder.

as much as I was rooting for her demise, part of me which she’d escaped that trunk


What did that spoil?

Dear Carrie,
I'm not good with words, but I just wanted you to know that I lo—

Why can't Iron Fist be a Bizarro?

Joy Mangano, inventor of the self-wringing Miracle Mop

She actually looks more like her promoting it than she does in the film itself. You're right: the charming, toothy smile is dead-on.

She's 30. She's not going to commit to these for a decade. Daisy Ridley looked like a baby. In fact, all the new characters looked really young.

It's not just that Han Solo is the Obi-Wan, it's that the whole film is essentially the original Star Wars with the names changed. I understand it's all the Monomyth in the end, but the one thought I didn't expect to have was "this isn't better than what we lost with the 'Expanded Universe.'"

I really loved Margaret’s small scene, where she points out all of the
horrible ties the Lockhart family has to hers but offers forgiveness. I
guess anyone can change if their lives fall apart spectacularly enough.

I acknowledged that some of it was forced, but I allowed them the conceit because the structure of the episode reframes how we look at the series itself.

Years ago I saw someone on Yahoo! Answers ask if Taylor Swift was God, because this person and their friends started lighting candles and saying prayers to her, bowing to her poster and feeling her spirit enter them as they accepted her as their savior.

I think Perkins is the one that missed the point of this episode.

How many times have we seen the "secret bad character shooting their co-worker instead of the other bad guy" scene?

Or Osamu Tezuka's ADOLF.

I met him and he seemed pretty psyched to be drawing the CHEWBACCA mini. I'm sure it was a nice paycheck, but he certainly didn't seem to think he was slumming it. Really nice guy.

Alternatively: watch ¡Three Amigos! twice instead.
