Secret Bastard

Didn't the thingamabob that made Ashildr immortal basically come from a First Aid kit? Shouldn't there be a fuckton of Immortals, then?

Bor is his grandfather.

Holy Fuck Liv Tyler.

I think your argument is taking too many hypotheticals to work when "Team Books Aren't Bendis' Strong Suit" has a lot more evidence to back it up.

Except the X-Men Editorial wasn't static all that time. The EiC used to run that office, in fact. It doesn't hold water.

I'm suggesting that you don't hand your biggest name the reins to that franchise if you want to intentionally sabotage it.

I mean, at least this Fanboy conjecture diametrically opposes the "Marvel is Intentionally Tanking the X-Books Because Fuck Fox" stuff, but it's still 4Chan fodder.

It would explain why things that were set up don't jibe with what we've seen post Secret Wars thus far, which was a complaint of the author's.

Right, but how far in advance are these things planned?

Scuttlebutt has it that Remender was supposed to take over from Bendis, then decided to concentrate on his creator-owned projects instead. I believe the X-book editor also left.

tl;dr: give a not-shit writer stewardship of the X-books

In other news: Mumu Homer

More like I would have been happy to be wrong about it disappearing up it's own ass.

I'm glad this episode brought people down to Earth after the hyperbole of the review the week after last. I knew 2 minutes in that I wasn't going to like this episode, and it didn't disappoint.

I think the mistake was not putting him in the same cap he was wearing in that episode.

What happened to Ashildr's friend the immortal drunkard? Surely he'd be kicking around after she made him her lifetimes companion.

Oooooh now I remember. Thanks.

Am I the only one who still can't recall who Rigsy was?

At midpoint I'm going to call this at least as good as DAREDEVIL, if not better. Casting is especially spot on.

I'm just glad they brought "New Phone, Who Dis?" back to replace the Pony Song that's been stuck in my head since GETTING ON.