Secret Bastard

Has anyone that's seen this read the Sony Hack emails about it? It seems like the execs were aware of, and concerned about, the script problems long ago.

(Hank, Walt Whitman, toilet). It's so lazy and awkward.

It was beyond "Oh, that's just Clara. She so quirky!", though.

The low angle certainly helped.

The worst thing about this show is that it’s not on Netflix, because I want to still be watching it.

It was obvious that Clara was switched because of the clunkiness of that cut. I wonder what people that didn't pick up on it thought was going on, because that whole non sequitur of a scene had no reason to exist in the script otherwise.

"The ouija board almost said it was Tupac who shot Biggie…"

Hells yeah it did.

Yeah, I find the REBELS characters and their designs to be boring and flat, especially compared to what Marvel's been doing. Boba Pink is the least shit but she's so…obvious.

I feel like it would have been better if there was some Relativity thing going on, and he'd been stranded for decades but didn't age, but they couldn't resist having the Monolith take him in 2001.

God I hope not. Save it for Chris Pratt.

Or they just find a volleyball.

Don't waste Ego on this show's budget. He deserves a GOTG sequel.

Just because he dies differently in the comics doesn't mean this he won't die the same way on the show, and this is just a method of getting people to feel comfortable that he'll always be safe, so it's even more of an emotional gutpunch.

Fuck this. It's perfect. Because now no one will see it coming if it plays out like it does in the comics.

I swear I don't mean this in a dickish way, but did you tip her when it was over?

This is basically a SyFy Channel original production of COWBOYS Vs. PREDATORS.

She's the smartest person in the film, and she's not playing Rebecca, but…No, not really.

Did they up the budget after cutting it compared to CLONE WARS, because this season looks gorgeous compared to the puppety S1?

Holy Shit. Never would have made that connection.