Secret Bastard

I won't discount that, but I meant purely aesthetically, I think she looks better in that picture up top, without any hint of that aspect of the character.

Am I the first one to say that Chair is hotter than Joan Holloway?

Alternatively, he repackages entire plot points, scenes, characters and even dialogue from sources he must not think HBO viewers will recognize.

Plus he looks to be a plagiarist.

Shows tend to not stay on the air for the benefit of future generations. It helps when they find them in the present.

It's tracking for a worse opening than Seth Rogen's THE GREEN HORNET.

They are just going to trade Marvel the FF rights back in exchange for this, right?

Black Spider-Man was just as common as Kang. If he wanted to up the stakes he should have demanded a Hobgoblin.

She's not doing it for herself, but for the up-and-comers.

It WAS Silicon Valley! Thanks!

Let me know if you figure it out, because it's been driving me nuts too.

This looks shit and I don't trust this review.

I've been conditioned to think "Don't call me Shirley" whenever someone says that.

Wow. Okay, I'm going to tap out here because I'm venturing into a Someone On The Internet Is Wrong hole and I'll want to kill myself in the morning.

My first post didn't argue anything. I made a statement that judging the rest of the season based on this episode is premature.

…and also to my post, where I did do that.

Well okay then, since you said it 3 times.

Sure. But I'll see those and raise THE WIRE and GAME OF THRONES. The more characters a series needs to set up, the more patience you need to have with it. This is literally a completely different show.

Most HBO series take a few episodes to find their feet. This one is an anthology, so it's going to do that every season. I'm willing to be a little patient.

It's not ENTOURAGE. The Ro¢k is ARLI$$.