Secret Bastard

Captain America and Batman aren't analogous, because s/he's not just putting on a mask. It's more like Billy Batson saying "Shazam!" It's a different persona.

She's the red herring.

"It's really not ambiguous, and there aren't two sides to this argument."

because Donald Blake's name wasn't Thor either?

I think I need to see Steven Spielberg direct a musical number about Farts.

Thor is Jane Foster/Natalie Portman.

I own a plastic shirt folder, and I love it almost as much as I love Constance Wu.

Doesn't this have the exact same plot as the Rob Schneider direct-to-video classic, BIG STAN, starring the late David Carradine in the Kevin Hart role, and featuring the feature debut of Olivia Munn?

What I meant was, they are both period pieces, but obviously MAD MEN's tone is much different, and they can get away with big humor set pieces like lawnmower accidents, severed nipples or even a literal song and dance that stick in people's minds.

Keri Russell played those scenes like she was a farm girl and Lois Smith was a cute pig she was afraid to name, lest she bonded with it.

Clearly this new SHIELD are really Deceptions in Disguise. Just look at that logo.

Yahoo! COMMUNITY is Quiet. It really changes the vibe of the show.

So what are the major issues running under the surface of this show?

In fairness, another show probably would have had her reveal something egregious to Finn over XBox Live that some kid listening in would then leak to the news.

Todd is going to die in a horrible accident, isn't he? It's right there in the title of the show.

Yeah, I hate that too, and I absolutely 100% agree. It's puritanical and disdainful to children and their parents alike. But that's another debate.

Just seems like an odd choice to exclude the demographic that needs to hear the message of the show most when you can easily bleep out a few words and it would have no detrimental impact whatsoever.

Anyone else find it sort of disconcerting when cast members on KING OF THE NERDS drop 4-letter words? If ever there was a show that should be All-Ages, it's such a strange call to not bleep them out. Is it supposed to make them sound cooler?

My point about knowing what Marvel Studios' future holds was more that he brags about it at every opportunity. Don't think I've ever seen/ heard an interview where he hasn't mentioned how jealous his friends are when they discuss things he knows the answers to but can't mention anything because he signed a waiver.

He's done a good job of making sure everyone know he's In the Room, at least, and knows every detail of what is coming up, even the awesome stuff we don't even know we don't know about yet.