Secret Bastard

It should have been a Daycare Center moving next door to the Frat House, with little kids annoying the fuck out of college stoners, and the Frat Boys have to enlist the parents to help them. Kind of like the anti-HOME ALONE.

So… they passed around the sacred canupa and performed an ancient spectrum-disruption ceremony?

The series finale is going to reveal Hood's real name is Melvin Nerdly.

Another amazing episode in what is already the show's best season, but… cell phones didn't work because why?

Yeah, it's so bad it's like JUPITER ASCENDING.

Trust your first instinct.

Eddie Redmayne might have his award nominations taken away after people see him in this.

It steals scenes from those movies, and even more superior films, and is still less than the sum of it's parts.

JUPITER ASCENDING doesn't deserve to hold JOHN CARTER's jock.

Are you referring to JA or SPONGE BOB?

The visuals are pretty stunning sober, so baked as fuck all will certainly help.

"Is there something positive about it?"

This is not inaccurate.


Do not believe the hype. Do not fall for the pretty pictures. Do not buy that a plot being too complicated to make sense of is a positive thing.


I already have a crush on Constance Wu.


At least she's not a Whore, like Miss Claudia in KINGPIN.

Best episode in a long time.