Secret Bastard

He should cast Sara Foster, Jordana Brewster, Meagan Good and Devon Aoki.

I haven't read any of his books, I just fell down a Reddit hole one day, and regardless of the wackadoo interpretations, the data itself is real. Some of the reports are a little harder to explain than "idiots got lost in the wilderness."

Flying Laser Bear. Duh.

Check out Bobcat Goldthwait's WILLOW CREEK, another found-footage film which apparently is based on actual shenanigans that happen in our National Parks, if you feel like Googling "David Paulides."

Some dude was probably hanging out outside Burbank Mall saying "How would you like to be the first people in the world to see a brand new movie, AND get free passes to another movie?! Just sign this release!"


"To truly improve this harmless merging of Chronicle and The Butterfly Effect, those responsible would have to rewind the clock to the pre-production stage, going back in time to the drawing board."

All Game shops should stock NINTENDO POWER back issues.

Yes, that and V FOR VENDETTA as someone else said.


QB1 really let himself go. I didn't recognize him right away.

Okay, what other show was this plot taken from?

I can't wait to completely forget I saw this movie.


This would make a good triple bill with SURVIVE STYLE 5+ and ATTACK THE GAS STATION.

++Rob Huebel of Children’s Hospital++

Cumberbatch is perfect for Strange, who is also a big weirdo (and an arrogant creeper). Ejiofor should have been Black Panther.

Was SUPER MARIO GALAXY such a given it didn't even warrant a mention?

Here's the versions of the characters you love again!

I Love You Mary Jane was a college dorm staple. Too bad most of the other rap/rock hybrids were better in concept than execution.