Secret Bastard

I love that Marvel is trolling fans by hinting that their multidimensional brawl Event will lead to a Reboot of their publishing line, while DC is trolling fans by hinting that their multidimensional brawl Event will lead to the undoing of the Reboot of their publishing line.

Of course they will have to move into A Ventures Tower.

I'm sure he had spacestation insurance.

They got little baby legs
That stand so low
You got to pick 'em up
Just to say hello

It looks more like Randy Gnoman.

Has anyone seen Desiree Akhavan and Alexis Arquette in the same room?

I'm not saying it's likely, but she's who I root for.

Well without ranking them like them like teen boys at the bus stop gawking over MAXIM's "Girls of Banshee" issue, I think Lili Simmons holds her own just fine against Ivan Milicevic, Trieste Dunn and Odette Yustman.

Yeah this piece comes off like "Quick, we need filler for SIMPSONS week, someone give us 10 graphs."

Pound for pound this show has the hottest cast on TV.

I would write the fuck out of a Lifetime Movie Club feature for AVClub.

That would still leave the stupid collar and the armor. Superman shouldn't look like he wants to invade Poland.

What are the chances that if "Convergence" is a massive succes, DC will realize how much people prefer the Old 52 and DeBoot?

Not a Myth: when the estate was hemorrhaging cash and had to sell off assets, including the zoo, some of the zebras were let loose, and you can still see their wild progeny roaming the surrounding acreage today.

The most important thing this series will do is finally show Luke in action wearing that dope medal ceremony jacket.

She never cooks, she keeps a filthy house and she talks profanely! She's the Queen of the Harpies!

Ho boy. As if AVClub comments needed an excuse to post Simpsons quotes.

I feel bad for Ray Romano. He's playing the guy that will never be the love of your life, but the one you get when you're old, have had your fun and are still left standing when the music stops.

Heh. So when I was a kid I went to a taping of some show Paul Provenza was on, and during the endless downtime I remember him confirming something I always suspected regarding THE FACTS OF LIFE, pre-Internet: that the end of the final season was intended to spin off into new vehicles for some of the leads. The finale