Secret Bastard

I was going to say that the film would be improved by having Rob Riggle unseen and unheard in a hazmat suit, but that's true of every movie.

Wait, should the site where these images actually came from get the Attaboy? There's a much larger archive than just these at All this guy did was curate.

We know they signed a shitty deal when they were on the verge of bankruptcy, but presumably Marvel retains some kind of script approval, lest the licensees do irreparable harm to their IP, right?

Victor Von Poochie

They showed a trailer for this before another movie in college and it looked amazing. Little did I know when I came back the next week for the full screening that the trailer gets the point across well enough, thankyouverymuch. It is a relentlessly horrid film, and overindulgent in a way that presages KING KONG.

Truth be told I would watch Margot Robbie watch paint dry for 90 minutes, but Carol Danvers is suddenly a lot more interesting to me with her in the cockpit.

Soo… wouldn't there be 2 Benders in the Future? Or does he just not wake up until after he goes back in time?


Why not make her personal weapon blue as well then?

I wouldn't be surprised if Moffat puts Clara in the drawer for a Series or 2, only to bring her back for a Shocking Surprise as part of one of his long chess games.

I think this was Michelle Gomez ascendent. When an actor catches fire like that, you pass them the ball. Since Moffat must realize he's not writing a show about Ian Chesterton, I think he's probably aware of that. They can't *not* bring her back.

Really? Not a single Zombie Cyberbaby? We know at least 1 kid got uploaded.

That's Robin Williams gone, Andy Dick still with us, for those keeping score.

Jodorwsky has put years of work into getting it published, complete with annotations. IIRC the holdup is Moebius' wife, who's basically holding it ransom. I'd expect Taschen will eventually pay her off and get their investment back by putting out limited $1500 editions before dropping a more "affordable" (Read: $200)

There are replicas of that and the Vigo to be found.

#3 also means he didn't have to mess with the Drone or the Harvesters, which were a byproduct of his changing Gravity via book binary.

I feel like it would have done better if they let Gillen keep her accent.

"They didn't bring us here to change the *past*…"

This fall, all of America was trying to solve the mystery of who would kill Gemma Teller Morrow.

I hope Don Rickles lives forever, but if they ever need to recast him in TOY STORY, it is the role Jai Courtney was born for.