Secret Bastard

Er, THOR 3 durr. And even then I didn't realize the release dates had changed. So, recapping, I amend my stomping prognostication to: who the fuck knows.

DEXTER had a first-person narrative so you emphasized with him more than Jax.

Then Courtney will publish JT's diaries.

No one would see that coming.

For the sake of journalistic accuracy, is it Chili or Chili *Sauce*? Because if it's the same chili sauce they put in Papa John's Sweet Chili Chicken pizza the only hunger it will satiate is for the sweet relief of death.

++ at the end of the day, the Guardians of the Galaxy is a superhero movie ++

Feige said Captain Marvel went into pre-production when GOTG did.

How long have people been saying that, though? It always smacks of self-congratulation to me.

You will believe a giant bulldog can teleport.

WONDER WOMAN will be stomped by THOR 2.

A Simonsonian battle between Thor, Loki and Odin Vs. Surtur and the Fire Giants in Hell/Muspelheim for the fate of Asgard DOOM! DOOM! DOOM! certainly seems Epic enough, but doesn't leave much room for Space Horse, who deserves more of a focus. Save him for THOR 4.

Seriously. She's full on Mata Cari now.

Gareth was not Villain You Love To Hate material. He was Post-Apocalyptic Oliver from THE O.C.

I know the way it played out meant it made no difference, but, damn, why is Saul so shit at tailing people?

Ignatiy suggests that the collective audience lets the overwritten first meeting scene slide because we know the film itself is a work of fiction. We're still entering the world it's establishing, so we cut it slack.

I delivered NY Newsday as soon as I was old enough and was way more flush with cash than any kid should be. (Apartment buildings were paper route goldmines). Rather than put it in a boring bank or save for a car, I would invest it in completely impractical things.

I was at a frat party and saw a TEN CD signed by Pearl Jam laying on this dude's dresser. I asked him if it was real and he said "Oh yeah, some girl gave it to me. Do you want it?"

I wonder if he'll ever need money enough to sign things "Orenthal the Murderer" the way you can pay Pete Rose to sign "I bet on baseball" on baseballs.

I see what you did there.

The reviews were still better than those jokes.