Secret Bastard

More people know Hot Stuff as a tattoo than as a comic strip character.

I don't think I've ever seen anything like it on TV, to the point that I honestly couldn't process what was going on.

Oh stop. I didn't mean it in a Racist/Homophobic/New York Times kind of way.

Who else thought the Shocking Reveal when she was taking her makeup off was going to be that she was the one with the penis?

Dan "No Fucks Given" Lauria. The man epitomizes Long Island.

Prediction: Crosby had blunt force trauma causing a pulmonary embolism or internal bleeding and is the season's SHOCKING DEATH.

"They tuk err Moon Jerbs!"

Casual Racism would be if Mexico doesn't actually have a space program, and the Americans just sent them up there to build the colony.

Can they get Sherilyn Fenn to mocap a CG Audrey Horne?

If God wanted those people alive, he wouldn't have given them Cancer.

Joel Osteen fills the "Keep on the DVR to Cure Insomnia" role left vacant after the deaths of Fred Rogers and Bob Ross.

That crossover was simultaneously one of the best FAMILY GUY episodes ever and one of the worst SIMPSONS episodes ever. Congrats to all involved!

Actually it reminded me of an old Howard Stern segment. He had regular guest KKK Grand Dragon Daniel Carver on the show, and it was a fascinating insight into the mind of a Racist.

Jews aren't White?

To quote Michael Sheen, "Her sister is a *Rabbi* in *Israel*. It doesn't get any Jewier than that."

I don't think that was a coincidence, considering they both shacked up with archers…

I hope it at least leads to a hardback Omnibus of the whole run.

POWERS and GOTHAM CENTRAL are both procedurals that take place in universes where cops have to deal with costumed heroes as part of their jobs.

I thought one of the points of the Bat mythos was that Batman's appearance to thwart "regular" crime brought out the costumed crazies as a response to him, creating a never-ending cycle?

The whole series was supposed to be about Jax trying to redeem himself and his club. Since this Final Season nihilism turn is all based on lies, it's probably just Sutter's way of giving him an arc again, starting him out at rock bottom so he can redeem himself in the end once the truth comes out.