Secretary Of War

Pulp Fiction. But only because I was 22 when it came out and I took the 17-year-old Korean chick who worked the record store I managed.
After the movie I took her back to my apartment and I fucked her bareback, I did! None of that condom shit for me then or ever. If you're going to throw a bag on it, you're better

What's shocking is that nobody is Hollywood has woken up to the fact that people are perfectly willing to pay to see good movies back on the big screen. In the days before video, revival showings were a regular part of the movie-going experience. And they made the studios lots of money for a very small investment of

Let's admit it: If there was a 20th anniversary revival and Pulp Fiction was put back into the theaters, everybody here would go see it. And it would be awesome.

When I was young, Gene Simmons was the spokesperson for disaffected, depressed and shunned teenagers.
Now he's just some piece of shit one-percenter plastic celebrity who can't hide his contempt for the rest of us.

BSG is a good choice to revisit now. It's relevance to modern America can never be understated.

I always thought the Forrest Gump soundtrack went to number 1. It only made it to number 2. Other than one cut from the score, it was just a collection of greatest hits from the 60s and 70s. Mostly from other, far better, movies.

I spent ages 14-19 with that crowd. Not nearly enough has been written about the lovingly abusive (or vice-versa) community that was the Suburban Metal Kids Of The 1980s.

As someone who grew up as a shunned and taunted comic book fan in the 1980s, I find the content of this entire article amazing.

He's such a disturbingly grounded and rational person. More celebs could learn a bit of humility from Al. He gets the fact that he owes his fans a great deal.

Empire Strikes Back.

A beginner's guide to Led Zeppelin? They have 8 albums and an outtakes collection. Just listen to them in order and read the Wikipedia entry for each album to see why, say, 'Presence' turned out the way it did.