
Remove those field segments, I couldn't have been happier. But if you dare one day change the opening song, I swear to god I'll club you with a mid-18th century german shepherd bronze appraised at 7500$, but insured for 11K$.

This episode was straight up psychological horror. Being trapped in a demonic cave, stuck in a loop, living blind for months, doubting your friends' existence in worlds that vanish, then faith leaping into nothingness in a hopeless attempt of getting out… Adventure Time, for kids…no, really!

I shall go squeeze some avocados and have some potent memories about his life and career. Rest in peace, sweet prince!

This reminds me of an 2011 Esquire article about Jon's dickishness, a lenghty but on-point analysis on his temper, his pressure threshold. He was trying so hard to make everything right at the same time, being that watchdog no news reporter had the influence to be. With the years, the pre-Rosewater years, if anybody

I wish George Miller reads this and thinks about the possibilities of Mad Max: Furries Road

I see at 40s a minor penalty for ruffling

I completely understand NBC. Let another promising show have that greatly coveted summer-thursday-at-10pm slot.

Remember kids! If you care about someone, don't express those feelings out loud in a lengthy manner, a simple nod and smile is enough! Too many citizens of Westeros fall victim to the speech of death, help making our land a safer place! (rip Myrcella)

In his "attack", he should be spending more time on his typewriter than on in the internet. #writelikethewind

That is so metal, he would have loved reading this so much

CEO of Tits, come back! Don't give up your place to the CEO of Rape, Pedophilia and Child Murder!

This show simply needs more of Joshwaa and Margaret