
Wait. Did this Chief of Police Dude... just try to say he wants to hold automakers accountable for the products they manufacture?

We all know exactly why there aren’t more cameras on cop cars, and it’s the exact same reason bodycams are conveniently off whenever cops shoot another unarmed black kid.

He went on to say he’d “love to see auto manufacturers take some responsibility,” regarding the misuse of performance cars”

I’m highly skeptical of the cop’s story. Why would a guy point a gun at a driver he hit in his reckless driving? Considering cops’ short tempers, wouldn’t it be the other way around?

Well you sucked the fun right out of that mildly amusing quip.

Oh the good ol’ days, when we knew what to do with Nazis.

As far as spirited driving goes I’m totally in the personal responsibility camp. Not only should a licensed driver know better but that kind of driving would be against traffic laws.

This sucks for the flight attendants. Flight attendants only get paid if they fly.

i love that we just duct tape them to the seats like wild animals.  i hope i get to see this next week when i fly.  i wanna write on the duct tape like a cast on a broken arm.  

Counterpoint: Thousands of innocent people were saved from having to endure a flight on AA or Spirit.

A Spirit spokesperson told ABC News the cancellations are the result of a “perfect storm,” blaming weather, staffing shortages and crews reaching the hour limits in which they are legally able to fly.”

This is one of those things where I am impressed with the entire conversion, the installation, the process, the execution... and I’m still left dumbfounded.

Agreed. The Wrangler is just too damn big anymore. The Tracker really is an awful lot like a side-by-side and, better than any side-by-side, completely street legal and highway capable.

The Geo Tracker is the Wrangler Done Right :o)

Nobody remembers what a “dodger” is either (it relates to dodging famously lethal trollies running near an early ballpark).

People like sports. It’s even important to some people. Most of the teams have individual principal owners and don’t randomly move around. The exceptions, especially when teams move are a big deal when they happen. The team was founded in Cleveland over 100 years ago. 

Crap like this is why I will never be a pilot. I am just not meticulous enough.

I think I’m in the minority, but I think the stewards got it right. Hamilton made a desperate move and it didn’t work, so he got a penalty. A harsher penalty than we’ve seen from the other 3 similar incidents from the last race. Hamilton just happened to be in the fastest car and Bottas/Mercedes were able to get him

3400 hour Flight Instructor, here...One hell of a job in my opinion. Bear in mind that this guy is a student pilot, and he only has about 2,000 feet of altitude. Not really much time to pull out a written check list, when you are low, task saturated, and gliding. His primary job is to “fly the airplane”, and maintain

Should he not put the engine in free spin?