It’s a sad thing to hope Haas goes under for selling out to Russian oligarchs and Putin’s corruption, but I do. The team is spectacularly scummy...
They must’ve offered up some serious coin; I used to hang out with Norman and he *loathed* being known for The Real World. He did pretty well too.
Funny how cops shoot people dead all the time for exactly the kind of driving behavior these states are officially condoning.
This here is the correct take. The lack of statement for a brand trying to relaunch into the top tier and claw its way back to relevance (not to mention profitability) is seriously surprising.
I would celebrate...if they would honor my or my friends’ f***ing warranties. Don’t get me wrong, I love Miatas and used to track one (brilliant car). But they just don’t take care of their customers when they get it wrong (which for some of us has been a LOT) and it’s been like that for years.
So what you’re saying is, Rudi Giulliani drives an Aspen?
I caught two thieves in my NB one night — Left it on the street but thought about how theft was an issue and went out at 3am. Lucky...
A once-preposterous movie/now-plausible theory: Grojean’s a “Freejack.”*
Yeah, that kid’d nod off at a stop sign.
Idiot rich kid > “high on marijuana.”
I approve of this.
This. Is. War.
You’re a good person. We all have a responsibility to not get or spread this shit and we’d save countless lives with the precaution you take. I keep the disinfectant everywhere and use it every time I get in the car, before I close the door.
“Hey QB, you just won the Super Bowl! What are you going to do now?!”
Has she told you yet that you deserve to die for how your state votes?
Sadly, I suspect you’re right.
Objective reality itself is a known leftist conspiracy.
C’mon man, have some dignity.