Secondhand Prose

“Lock her up!” - Tireless Defenders Of Presumption Of Innocence

I’m in my 12th week of a thankfully successful pregnancy so far. We had to go through hell and back with IVF to get here and I’ve been a ball of nerves and anxiety until my ultrasound today. If god forbid, I had lost the baby, and I had to deal with this fuckstick on top of an already devastating miscarriage, I would

I use gender neutral pronouns and “kiddos” so that I don’t reveal any information on who they are, where they live, how to contact them, etc. they are adults; calling them my kiddos eliminates the need for identifying information. I don’t post photos, I don’t give out ANY info that could be used to locate them. I’m

In a sane world, this should be grounds to have your pharmacy license revoked permanently. 

Totally.  Normally, if you’re unable to do your job, you’re fired.  If you’re unable to do your job in a way that adversely affects someone else’s health, you should be fired quickly, and possibly exposed to legal action.

“I’m sorry, I’m not going to refill your glaucoma meds because I believe that life should be LIVED, not just seen

I really want to get a job at one of these assholes’ churches, like as a preacher or something, and then just literally never show up because it’s against my beliefs. I’d send a stripper in my absence. 

I have no idea if he’s a good Catholic male, but he’s a shitty pharmacist and should be fired.

You know what you're not, Mr Pharmacist? A doctor. You are not qualified to determine if a fetus is dead, or decide what drugs someone should or should not take and why. You can warn about contraindications, advise about side effects and similar, but if someone who actually went to medical school says the fetus is

WTF. This makes me so, so angry. If you cannot do your job because you have decided to make up rules about what women can do with their bodies based on some old myths, you don’t get to have that job.

If you literally CAN’T do your job then you’re in the wrong profession, my dude.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

Long before Trump was even conceived, men were like this. Men will continue to be like this after Trump is long gone. The men in my life, who claim to hate Trump, act like this in varying degrees.

My mom put me on a leash for an airline trip once. She was pregnant with my sister, couldn’t possibly keep up with me, and I liked to bolt off at random moments. She was terrified I’d take off running in O’Hare airport and she’d never see me again.

Totally, and I’m not staring at kids to know if they can walk or not (strollers are often easier than wheelchairs).

But, when it’s a kid that you’ve seen running on the playground. . . . . .

Someone else in the thread mentioned that their child has a heart condition. You can’t look at a child on the street and know if they have health issues so we should all probably pause before we decide the kid/parent is just lazy. 

And I totally agree that the other mom in your kid’s class is doing him a disservice by carrying him everywhere. 

Older kids in strollers drive me nuts. There are some places where it makes sense from a safety or number of miles reason but for the most part it’s parental and child laziness in both not wanting to demand that the kid follow directions and walk with the parent and the child being allowed to be pushed around instead

I was with you at first on the breastfeeding into childhood. I was on the fence with the leash— my kids never needed it, but if I lived in an urban area and my kid kept running into the road or away from me in crowds, I’d try it.

...Except that some kids get teeth at 4 months, some at a year, some later. The teeth thing is a misconception because it implies that nursing=chewing.