Secondhand Prose

Where are McCain’s fellow veterans? Why aren’t they infuriated by this lack of respect and speaking out?

The thing is Trump’s base has already turned on McCain and this will be greeted with applause. Non-Trump Republicans will tsk-tsk all they can, complain about “decency and decorum”, and then vote for him again in 2020.

I’m with you. I’ve had my differences with McCain, but that’s just fucking disrespectful.

This is more than likely white women not wanting to be seen as “old” and taking it out on a kid.

Is “Ma’am” on the list of things I can’t say anymore? When did that happen? Because it sounds like you’re telling me that every time I thought I was being polite by calling a woman “Ma’am,” I was actually being an [insert appropriate pejorative term here].

“Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.” Jeff, this is GREAT, what everyone wants, so look into all of the corruption on the “other side” including deleted Emails, Comey lies & leaks, Mueller conflicts, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr.....

“I have asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo not to go to North Korea, at this time, because I feel we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.” Wow, word?

It would be funny if it wasn’t so infuriating.

Well, crap. Having to make the decision to discontinue treatment is incredibly difficult—both of my grandfathers made that choice, one opting for woo instead of traditional medicine, and the other refusing all treatment, even pain meds. That was horrible to watch, gave me nightmares as a kid. Cancer can be horrific.

He talks a good game, but his actions speak a different story when it comes to being a maverick of any sort.

The thing is given spineless Lindsey Graham’s comments it looks like Trump doesn’t have to worry as much about a Senate backlash and not getting his new nominee approved.  My guess it’s going to be Rudy. 

My guess is that Republicans know that the House is going to go to Democrats after the election, but they’ll likely keep the Senate. Trump will then be free to fire Sessions and Mueller, and the House can start impeachment proceedings but the Senate won’t convict, so we’ll have two years of a constitutional crisis

I think we all know....

Lying, attention seeking ‘Christians’? Now I’ve seen everything!

They look like Aryan muppets.

lol no

Are white people.... okay?

As someone who has been around for several SoCal wilfires, no.  Wildfires do not smell like cigarette smoke.  

Fucking Orange County. ::eye roll::

These two look like they were grown in a laboratory somewhere