Secondhand Prose

“And often his own racism.”

I am remembering how Jon Stewart responded to Jezebel’s and Liz Winstead’s comments about him not hiring women writers. He literally trotted out every woman, from the accounting office to receptionists to assistants, to demonstrate that he hired women. But that wasn’t the point. The point was about women writers (and

My first response was: what? And then, joke joke, and as he kept going I was like, ‘Look, I know this is very serious, but I know Louie. He’s always been a gentleman—to me.

“We took somebody’s a man’s word for it..”

I know this is a candidate for the next New England Journal of Duh but I think men need to be better about trusting women when they come out about this stuff. There is literally no benefit to a woman making these kinds of accusations about a powerful man.

Acknowledgment of complicity / guilt can be a dodge in place of meaningful action, or it can be a first step followed by meaningful action. It’s the meaningful action that tells you something about the sincerity and intentions.

The ways to overcome your trashness if  you’re a man who’s trash (and you probably are, we all probably are, I ain’t special and you’re not either) arethe same ways we ask white people to admit white privilege is a thing;

Fitting that the worst kind of Becky is a male Becky.

Is he a father of daughters or was he at the time? I understand that — in spite of the evidence of all of human history — fathering daughters turns dudes into Aware Feminist Gentlemen.

I hate this guy’s apology more than anyone else’s. He did everything he could to make sure that people didn’t hear about this incident, and now he plays innocent because he hadn’t heard about other incidents. That’s like a rhino poacher releasing a statement wondering why rhinos are going extinct.

They’re not shocked. They’re trying to gaslight.

That might be the most sickening apology yet. “Okay, I stepped in and told those women to shut up or their careers would be destroyed. But I hadn’t heard about other incidents!”

If you can’t hold your own in a fight with a retired anesthesiologist, I don’t think “liberty” can take much comfort from having you in its corner.

Also, isn’t this how Catwoman started? I would totally be down for an elderly Japanese grandma becoming Catwoman. She tries to knit, but she keeps getting distracted and batting the balls of yarn around. She knocks the figurines her grandkids get her off the shelves for no reason. She takes long naps, wakes up, moves

Roy Moore was banned from his local mall for being a creep. Given how terrible you have to be to get banned from a single department store - especially as a rich white dude who isn’t shoplifting - I can’t imagine the levels of creeper needed to get banned from the whole building.

It’s a low bar indeed where we applaud when the Republicans seemingly do the right thing and decide a statutory rapist shouldn’t hold elected office.