Secondhand Prose

Shorter Flake: “Look, pandering to racism was fine when we were just ginning up these goddamn morons to go vote for their betters, but now the fucking yahoos expect us to actually support their dipshit agenda! I’m telling ya, politics ain’t what it used to be.”

Jesus Christ this needs to be posted every day on every article about this.

What an ignorant asshole.

“He denied us service at lunch, and they had to go get us another waiter to wait on our table at that same restaurant,” the 26-year-old catcher said.

The part that gets me is that they still ate there. Not sure how I would feel about my food I received if in the same vicinity as someone so spiteful.

I love candy corn. I especially love the autumn mix with the pumpkins in it. I do not fuck with chalk candy like Necco wafers and Smarties.

Whaddup Ms. Naseen!

Nah. “Nuts” sounds like Crazy Uncle Carl.

And still that dog is way more dignified than Donald Trump

Where was Nemo when trump was visiting?

His bark was worse than his pint?

The dog went oui oui.

All dogs are good.

This is so bogus. If Michael Bay is going to direct a kids’ movie, it should be Barney. I would pay twice to see that goddamned dinosaur explode.

I’m sure it’ll be fine.

It’s time to ostracize this dude. No more chances. No more explanations. No more excuses. Is he talented? Yes, extremely talented. But that can’t excuse his ongoing abuses (this has been going on since the 90s). The dude is just straight up nuts.

A White guy at lunch today tried to argue that somehow feminism is responsible for absurd alimony\child support payments and that the current system was what “women wanted”. Where do people get these stupid fucking ideas?

If a man is complaining that feminism is the reason why a woman won’t talk to him...