Secondhand Prose

I’m just going to say - I don’t care what’s motivating John McCain.

She planted kale, not okra.

You take your star and you fuck right off, sir

How many fucking last chances are we gonna have to sit through with the GOP Healthcare bullshit. They say it’s dead after much dramatic fanfare and last minute voting, we breathe a sigh of relief and then a few months later they come back with something even worse. This thing has more lives than Jason, Freddie Kruger

And the corn has ears!

Potatoes have eyes everywhere!

This made me roll my eyes so hard and for so long I’m going to contact my doctor.

And the corn has ears!

Melania Trump planted kale in Michelle Obama’s garden today, which I guess is better than the alternative but like, I don’t know, please step off our leeks!!!!


“there’s a show called Better Things, and that it’s not even the same show as the show called Stranger Things”

I’m gonna pull in Patti Lupone on Penny Dreadful here

Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive-thru.

There are too many shows on TV. Too many shows! Who can watch all of these shows? I can’t watch all of these shows.

Who buys chickenbones on etsy?

Also, you really should be hanging human skulls on your fence posts.

The hair care tips accurately describe my beauty routine from last winter. Never let it be said that substance abuse and untreated mental health prevented me from anticipating beauty trends.

I love Hellboy’s Mike Mignola’s take on Baba Yaga: