How many of you want to see the X-Men handle down-to-earth issues just like the ones you face every day, and how many of you want to see them get into far-out adventures involving robots and magic powers.?
How many of you want to see the X-Men handle down-to-earth issues just like the ones you face every day, and how many of you want to see them get into far-out adventures involving robots and magic powers.?
That’s a helluva 1-2 combo. Good work, both of you.
“So bye bye Let’s Remember Some Guys”
MacLean later clarified: “I can’t remember if I cried, when I read about his widowed bride, nothing touched me deep inside, the day Robert Traylor died.”
Brilliance is hard to define, but easy to recognize +1
Texting from a calculator? I see someone splurged for the TI-97+
“I knew that n-word Kapernik was only in it for the money. The troops fight for our freedoms and what does he fight for, a big fat check from the NFL for him and his homies to cash at the corner store. And before you call me a racist for using the N-word, just know that I heard Little Wayne and Notorios Biggie use it,…
I just watched this for like the 50th time last night! All these years later, I still am amazed they decided to break the 4th wall, just for that scene. So great.
“Buffalo called, and...”
Winky —
“Do you want to know the terrifying truth...or do you want to see me sock a few dingers?!”
You gotta respect Rebecca Romijn. She just kept getting naked and letting them paint her blue for hours each day to make Mystique look cool movie after movie.
I don’t remember DOFP’s effects being all that bad? I liked the Quicksilver scene. Apocalypse, on the other hand, looked like most of the CGI was pulled together over a long weekend before the term paper was due...
Whatever; it’s acute little thing.
Think of it this way. Chris Kyle is portrayed in much the same way as Batman.
One time I saw this older, white-haired guy getting all handsy in a restaurant booth with a young companion who looked about half his age. The whole vibe was really creepy. So I called the police to report a child molestation in progress, and dang if it wasn’t John & Cindy McCain on their first date.
Inconsequential: I just scolled past this again and stoppped to notice the photo. Check her jawline - she’s adopted a Trumpian approach to foundation.
The fact that Cindy McCain, with her “I Want To Speak To The Manager” haircut, is a Permit Patty surprises me not in the least. That she’s not named “Karen” does, however.