
It also explained why pest extermination was such a booming business in Albuquerque a few years later.

You’re betting on that being a sure deal? I wouldn’t be surprised if they ended up never appearing at all.

(Lalo speaking directly at the camera, mariachi music playing in the background)

I would be disappointed by the consistent lack of chili P.

Gus seemed very confident that all the Salamancas were dead when he taunted Hector in Breaking Bad, but Saul thought Lalo might still be alive when Walt and Jesse kidnapped him. Odds are that you’re right and that by Breaking Bad Lalo is dead but officially missing as Gus has killed him and buried his body somewhere.

In the south wall and not yet dead when the concrete is poured as Gus watches sternly and silently.

The simple problem with any French cultural take is that the French are guilty of simply being the French. 

Considering France’s opinions on Jerry Lewis and Roman Polanski, I’m pretty sure I don’t give a shit.

He just said he doesn’t like it. If some random dork on the internet is going to put his opinion on Watchmen out there I’m not sure why the creator shouldn’t. 

I thought they would just bus them to some random part of the country where they could have a few days out in the open and never have to know where they’d even just come from. The fact they let them out in ABQ makes no sense at all. Worrying shoddiness in the writer’s room?

If it weren’t for Jimmy she would have found someone else to feed her addiction it’s who she really is.

Exactly. They could have buses whores in from Vegas. And what kind of R&R is that? Look but don’t touch strippers. That is even worse that not getting laid. My take is Kai got a little handzy and they booted him. They needed pros.

I strongly disagree with this view who strips Kim of any agency. She’s the one who enjoys the cons and deeply hates being the straight arrow, and THAT’s the reason she’s attracted to Jimmy and not to Howard.

Yeah, I expected the twist where they had built that strip club room conjoined to their housing building, and it was completely sealed from the outside. Except, no, they just let them roam free around Albuquerque, and Mike even let Werner alone after he was already starting to talk about construction stuff while

That whole strip club scene makes no sense.

If Vince Gilligan and company ever write and direct a movie, I hope I don’t feel ripped off when I walk out of it feeling like it only lasted five minutes. For a show as leisurely paced and stretched out as this one, the damn thing is over before I know it every single week.

Incidentally, there’s a nice little call-out to the Cinnabon flash-forwards in this episode. In the season 3 premiere, Gene talks himself into potential trouble by telling the shoplifter to call a lawyer after he notices that the kid was arrested without being Mirandized. How does Kim snag such a good deal for her

I have been in love with Alicia Witt for about 15 years so this post does not compute.