
Even with all that writing talent it will take a miracle to make Jonah Ray funny. Ugh. Also, just imagine if the show was made by unknowns outside the Hollywood system on a low budget. You know, like it was originally? We could have gotten 12 episodes easily for way less money without paying the "celebrity" friends

Jesus lady, it's uterus not a clown car!

I heard today that the parents regularly beat the children with a rod also. So, the two little girls in the front row (the one on the left is actually facepalming the second from the right just looks incredibly sad) probably can't believe the show hasn't been canceled either.

If found guilty he could be sentenced to ten years in Wisconsin. But, only in the winter.

Technically it only has to go in once to be "having sex".

I'd watch that.

For me this started while playing Pole Position back in the 80's I always wanted to just drive off the road and explore if anything was out there.

You should be on plenty of fish or fetlife .com instead.

They should never be allowed on television ever again.