
Russia is in Europe ? huh.

Way to promote a dangerous habit. Eyes on the road, hands on the wheel.

‘Coz the best way to pass a message and be heard is to insult the target audience. I stopped reading at “Hey Idiots”.

Don’t want to be rude, but if you don’t have time for a shower after a workout, don’t workout. Working out is about respecting your body, and so is showering (in addition to your friends/coworkers’ physical senses).

Even with HTTPS, the name of the server you’re talking to will be known, either because of the SNI (Server Name Indication) in the SSL layer or simply because no matter what there’ll always be a DNS request just before.

Now be honnest: how many of you saved these videos in their Youtube’s “Watch later” list ?

Yes, yes and yes.

Yes, yes and yes.