
Not complaining about the graphics. But at this point, I would have imagined 10 years ago that Hitman was going to be a technical marvel. They STILL can’t get right those overlaping bodies when you grab someone by the back. I’m still hopeful, but have been for many years.

This has to be ironic.

I’ve been driving for almost 10 years now. All of them stick. I can finally state that a stick shift forces you to be a lot more aware of how you’re driving. The coordination necessary requires a totally new set of skills, but it makes driving a really personal experience.

I think is just a cultural thing really. In

I think you don’t have to be a misogenist just to recognize that women’s football is just different. Tactical in its own rights, certainly physical, but less skilled. A lot classier, less effective.

Men have been going at it for centuries, all over the planet. Don’t expect it NOT to be less developed. Plus, there’s