Timothy Erbes

I thought they were working on devil in the wedgie city

First time i saw it was at the drive-in.
After the movie ended, the night horizon was eerily aglow from orange streetlights in the distance. A gust of wind swayed the trees, and in that moment one could imagine there was a T Rex lurking behind them.

It's obviously a rallying cry for his supporters.
In the form of an acronym:

Speaking of role reversals:
If a man wants to eschew gender roles and give birth to an alien baby through his chest, he's entitled to do so.

Ok, good to know. Thanks!

"Salt is salt
My grandfather used to say this all the time, and it’s true. Salt brings out the flavor of the food, full stop. There are a great variety of salts, but the reality is they’re all the same mineral."

Adapt quality comic books like All-Star Superman and Batman: The Cult and I'll be a fan once again.