
no amount of punches can cure ignorance.

Oh totally. Not looking for a cure, just a fan of loudmouth slags getting what they deserve.

When a chick responds to your tirade by CALMLY taking off her shoes it means she ready and you need to run.

“I’m pregnant!”

Yup. The only crime here was filming in portrait.

I watched it again (for the third time) and I count 5 variations of “I’m pregnant!” I just love how everyone stands around and you can hear laughing while they film it.

I love how she became pregnant all the sudden, but when there were people to hold her back she starts walking back like she going to do something.

That was so many rights that she ended up home twice.

Lmfao! I love how even the hotel workers started to intercede and then were like, meh, she’s got this. I’m pretty sure, if I’m hearing it right, the person taking the video offered it up to the police, which is good. Between being threatened to be shot in the face and then the racist getting physical first I don’t

Got. Damn.